Sunday, January 22, 2012

On sunday

As today was rainy, I decided to go a garden not too far from where I live (around 30 min by train).
I don't know why, but for me, gardens look mysterious when the weather is bad and I was in a mood to have a walk today...

Here are the pictures :

Todoroki station

Todoroki Keikoku garden:

Golf bridge:

A friendly cat:

It's quite surprising and pleasant to see this kind of nature completely isolated and hidden from the noisy city...


  1. C'est super beau le paysage, et les photos aussi d'ailleurs ! :)

  2. Merci Remi!
    Oui c'est etonnant de voir ce genre d'espace... En tout cas ca fait du bien et ca te raffraichit!!

  3. looks nice!
    could you read the time in the cat's eyes? I don't remember if it was in China or Japan that you can read the time by looking at the eyes of a cat?
    Another thing, is it too in the south to get snow?

    1. Oh really???I didn't know...
      Hum...I know that in Osaka you get snow, but more in the south..I doubt...
