Tuesday, January 10, 2012

......and a happy new year!! (part 1 of 2)

Let's the adventure continuuuuuuue!!

Food! Again! Always food!!
Question : What do you think it is......
tic tac tic tac tic tac...
Soooo tasty when you made it by yourself....slurp

This one is called "Monjya". Let's say that it's a Tokyoite way of the Okonomiyaki (which comes from Osaka region). I won't show you how it looks after being cooked because it just looks like vomit...

The next day, for dinner we went to Ikebukuro. I've never been there but there were a lot of young teenagers playing in the game center.
We found this funny shop where they sell GIANT octopus ball (takoyaki).
It's like 10 times bigger than the normal one and contains also meet, sausage, small egg.... 

On the 31st we went to a noodles shop for lunch. In japan on the 31st the tradition is to eat noodles more precisely buckwheat noodles at night, around midnight. 
But I wanted to eat noodles for lunch anyway so we ate udon (flour based noodles)

After being stuffed like a duck we went to Shibuya. Even full you always have a small place for dessert. ALWAYS: 
 In the afternoon we went to Akihabara, place for electronic, manga and anime stuff. It's more male oriented so you'll find a lot of maid coffee shops.....I was looking for some butler coffee shops with cute Japanese boys but it seems that it wasn't the good place...

 Hehe Mari-chan coin locker: 

 Kaworu-kuuuuuun (wanna be locked :p)

 I bought a big big Rirakkuma!!!! Cute isn't it?
.....but to be frank, he is too big to hug it!!
 Tomato based pot for dinner with chicken, several kind of vegetables and a looooooooooooot of cheese!!
I know I know but it's Christmas season!! So hard to resist.....aaaaaann....

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