Sunday, January 22, 2012


Hi guys!
Starts to be seriously cold here... It even snowed few days ago!! Unbelievable.. in Tokyo... But not enough to make a snowman :(

A co-worker brought cheese and ham from France, so he opened a "raclette party"!! Perfect for this period of the year!!

The main actor of the night:
The cheese is being melted...
Then, slowly, you take over the melted cheese:

 The ham (I think that I ate the half of the plate ehem..)

On saturday, I went to a "all you can eat" Japanese curry(pork and beef) at Ikebukuro:
Yummy!!! But I ate too much rice at the beginning so I got full really fast. 
Next time, less rice, more curry (and veggie)!!


  1. ha that's funny, I wouldn't have read this one if you didn't put in on FB, I saw food and though, she talked so much about food last time that it must be this one!!!! In fact no!
    Can you find white bread there or is it like in Scandinavia where they eat dark bread?

    1. Yes I will have a loooot of the same kind of post.
      Food is sooooo good here :D
      Hum, there is white bread, not EXACTLY the same as in France. For sure, you won't find baguette unless you go to a French bakery (I found a Paul here!)...
      They customize the bread in a way to be eaten as a normal dish. I will try to take pictures next time!
