Saturday, March 24, 2012

White day

Good evening everyone!
Now that I have a new and big laptop I'll be able to write more posts :D

About 2 weeks ago we had the white day in Japan.
Each guy from our IT team made/bought some sweet at the office to the girls♪.
It was a nice and cute surprise from them!!
And on the top of it, the taste was amazingly good!!!

Apple crumble:
 super soft cheesecake:
 Strawberry and Maccha (green tea powder) mousse with strawberries and blueberries on the top:
 White chocolate from Hokkaido:
 Chocolate castella 
 Rice crackers!:
 Butter biscuits:
Best biscuits ever!! I definitively recommend QUOLOFUNE!!

 Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaam, gorgeous sweets♪

Las day, someone brought some Joel Robuchon cakes at the office....
I'm on diet (as always) but even in France I never had the chance to eat his cakes so....
OBVIOUSLY I had to eat right :p
It was delicious.


  1. what is the meaning of this white day? I mean guys bring food to girls and so what? Girls dress in white like for a wedding? (could be fun)
    One day, I'll fly to brazil, become a girl and get those delicious cakes in Japan too... One day or not...

    1. Haha white day is more to say "I love you too baby" to the girl who gave you a chocolate on the Valentine day♪
      But now, it's more to thanks people who offered u something.
