Saturday, March 24, 2012


I went to Osaka last week for 4 days.
I visited many places I used to go during my exchange program in Osaka university.
It reminded me lot of nice memories and I felt a bit nostalgic...

I took the night bus so no need to say that I was pretty tired actually...
But it's ok I had onigiri to recover from my short night:
Then I went to Namba and meet an old friend.
We had a all you can eat Okonomiyaki, monjya yaki and yakisoba: 
It was nice because they let you cook by yourself (hum, depends on the cooking skills of the cook...)
Half made okonomiyaki on the left and yakisoba on the right:
 Complete okonomiyaki:
 Monjya yaki:
Next day I went to Fushimi-inari in Kyoto: 

 The weather was perfect, a bit cloudy with some mist...

 We had a short break where we ate a boiled egg:

 The goal is near....
 We reached it!!! The top of the mountain!!

 As we had some time left, we decided to go to the Tofuku temple: 


Then I decided to go to the lab to greet the students and professors.
This is one of the nearest station from the campus. Well you still need to walk for about 15 minutes to reach the campus...

 hum....not a lot to do in the area...
The lake near the campus: 
To finish the day I went to the dorm I used to live (in a very smaaaaaall room): 
 The shopping mall:
 White cherry blossom: 

 Red plum:
 The dorm:
The last day I went to my professor's barbecue party.
I was really happy to the students and the teachers again.
 10 kilos of meat:

 Yummy yummy:


Cooking lesson

Hehe a friend of mine is a chef assistant and invited me for a cooking lesson...
We made super cute things but I'm 100% sure that I won't be able to cook them again...
Maybe if I trained day...

Inari-sushi (sushi wrapped in dried tofu) with a lot of toppings:
Green Salad:
 Three colors mousse:
 Sushi cake with shrimps, salmon.

White day

Good evening everyone!
Now that I have a new and big laptop I'll be able to write more posts :D

About 2 weeks ago we had the white day in Japan.
Each guy from our IT team made/bought some sweet at the office to the girls♪.
It was a nice and cute surprise from them!!
And on the top of it, the taste was amazingly good!!!

Apple crumble:
 super soft cheesecake:
 Strawberry and Maccha (green tea powder) mousse with strawberries and blueberries on the top:
 White chocolate from Hokkaido:
 Chocolate castella 
 Rice crackers!:
 Butter biscuits:
Best biscuits ever!! I definitively recommend QUOLOFUNE!!

 Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaam, gorgeous sweets♪

Las day, someone brought some Joel Robuchon cakes at the office....
I'm on diet (as always) but even in France I never had the chance to eat his cakes so....
OBVIOUSLY I had to eat right :p
It was delicious.